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Meet our research team​


Kamil Korzekwa

Group Leader (Jan 2020 - Nov 2023)

  • Personal website
  • arXiv
  • Google Scholar
  • WoS_edited

Scientific background:

I got my BSc in Physics and MSc in Nanoengineering from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, where I was supervised by Professor Paweł Machnikowski. Then, I joined the Centre for Doctoral Training on Controlled Quantum Dynamics at Imperial College London, where I pursued my PhD degree in Physics under the joint supervision of Professor Terry Rudolph and Dr David Jennings. Afterwards I did my first postdoc in Quantum Science Research Group at the University of Sydney, Australia; and a second brief one in the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies at the University of Gdańsk, Poland.

Research interests:

My research interests are mainly focused on classical-quantum divide arising within various thermodynamic and information processing tasks. This includes exploring protocols that may exhibit quantum advantage, developing various approaches to capture the notions of reversibility and irreversibility in the quantum regime, and studying structural differences between classical and quantum theories. Thus, my research lies at the interface of open quantum dynamics, quantum information and resource theories.

Fereshte Shahbeigi

Postdoc (Jan 2022 - Nov 2023)

  • Orcid
  • arXiv
  • Scholar

Scientific background:

I obtained my BSc, MSc, and PhD, all in Physics, at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, where I was mostly supervised by Prof. S. J. Akhtarshenas. After that, I spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran, in Prof.  V. Karimipour's group. I then moved to CFT PAS to take up my second short-term postdoctoral position in the group of Prof. K. Życzkowski. Subsequently, I came back to Poland to join the Quantum Resource Group at Jagiellonian University.

Research interests:

I am mostly concerned with quantum Markovian dynamics at the moment. However, I also find the subject of quantum channels fascinating from an abstract point of view. Quantum measurement theory as a closely related subject is also very interesting for me. Though I am doing all from a purely theoretical-mathematical physics perspective, with a background in classical and quantum optics, experimental physics, and elementary particles, I tend to believe physics is rich, has a lot to offer, and is awesome wholeheartedly.


Oliver Reardon-Smith

Postdoc (Jan 2020 - Aug 2023)

  • orcid_edited
  • arXiv_edited

Scientific background:

I completed my MSci in Maths and Physics at the University of Bristol, under the supervision of Dr. Tony Short. My PhD studies at the University of York were supervised by Professor Paul Busch and Dr. Roger Colbeck. Following my PhD I joined the Quantum Resources Group at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow as a post-doctoral researcher.

Research interests:

During my PhD I focussed on questions related to quantum measurement and uncertainty. In particular I am interested in the interplay between measurement uncertainty, preparation uncertainty, and incompatibility how these impact our ability to do useful tasks. Since joining the Jagiellonian University I have been thinking about problems relating to magic resources, which separate sub-theories of quantum mechanics which can be efficiently simulated by a classical computer from the full power of quantum theory which cannot. I have also been working on aspects of quantum phase transitions and uncertainty.


Roberto Salazar

Postdoc (Apr 2020 - Nov 2023)

  • orcid_edited
  • arXiv_edited

Scientific background:

I got my BSc in Physics from the University of Concepción, Chile, where I was supervised by Professor Michal Kurgansky. Then, I joined the Centre for Optics and Photonics (CEFOP) also at the University of Concepción, where I pursued my PhD degree in Physics under the supervision of Professor Aldo Delgado. I continued for a brief period as a postdoc in CEFOP and afterwards I moved for my second postdoc to the National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK) at the University of Gdańsk, Poland.

Research interests:

I am currently interested in developing the framework of resource theories and applying it to the study of quantum channels. I would also like to contribute to this development by proposing new fundamental tasks or characterizing classes of theories under mild assumptions. However, due to my previous research, I am still interested in a wide spectrum of research areas relevant for quantum information, such as causality, emergence of classicality, nonlocality, contextuality, randomness amplification, quantum discrimination and Bayesian inference. Finally, I would like to mention some fields that intrigue me, but are not closely related to quntum information: fluid mechanics, Nambu mechanics and classical gravity.


Alexssandre de Oliveira Junior

PhD student (Mar 2020 - Nov 2023)

  • orcid_edited
  • arXiv_edited
  • scholar_edited
  • research_gate_edited_edited

Scientific background:

After obtaining my BSc in Physics at São Paulo State University, I moved to the Institute of Physics “Gleb Wataghin”, where I pursued my MSc degree in Physics under the supervision of Professor Marcos César de Oliveira. I then joined the Quantum Resources Group team as a PhD candidate at the Jagiellonian University in March 2020.  

Research interests:

My research interests consist in understanding how quantum features, such as entanglement and coherence, affect classical formulations of thermodynamics and explore the deep connections between energy and information. This leads me to research on quantum information theory, with a particular emphasis on resource theory of thermodynamics and thermodynamic aspects of open quantum systems. I have also become increasingly interested in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.


Piotr Przedwojski

BSc student (Oct 2020 - Sep 2021)

Scientific background:

I graduated from III LO Gdańsk High School, where I completed an International Baccalaureate programme with extended courses in mathematics and physics. Following one year abroad, studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, I enrolled in Theoretical and Experimental Physics course at the Jagiellonian University, where I currently study and work on my bachelor thesis.

Research interests:

My interests cover quantum cryptography, the problem of quantum decoherence, the classification of quantum resources, and group representation theory. I am particularly interested in Lie algebra, symmetries in SU(2) and U(1) groups, and their application to quantum channels and quantum communication. In my current project, I explore the topic of information capacity and information loss in communication via quantum channels without a shared reference frame. Aside from my scientific interests, I am also interested in research in the domain of engineering, in particular microelectronics and the design quantum hardware.

© 2020 by Kamil Korzekwa.

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